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Middle School (6th-8th)

Middle school at St. Joseph takes a Christ-centered approach to learning and leadership.  Each day starts with prayer led by students.  Leadership is overtly taught in two elective classes and as a matter of course in core classes.  Specifically, 6th grade studies The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens; and in the 7th/8th Student Leadership elective, students make goals to develop leadership traits demonstrated by Christ while planning school assemblies and other projects.  In addition, students fulfill a service hour requirement each trimester.

The middle school team fosters social and emotional learning (SEL) to further student academic learning.  SEL is centered around self-advocacy, buoyancy in response to the challenges of growth, the characteristics of cooperative workers, and self-directed learning.  Teachers work closely with families to support students as they mature.  

Our academic approach is responsive to the needs of the class and utilizes nationally recognized best practices.  At any time, there may be small groups working together, hands-on activities, whole group instruction using the Smart Board, or youth working independently on computers.  Students are provided with a laptop in middle school in which they make extensive use of Microsoft Teams, Word and PowerPoint; as well as other proprietary software such as IXL (math and language arts) and TCI (social studies).  

Students in middle school participate in elective courses, retreats and multi-day cross-curricular field trips each year.

Teachers are supported in their work to foster growth in students using data from the MAP Growth Assessment taken in fall, winter, and spring, information provided by parents and a rich array of professional development classes.  To view our 2023-24 MAP Growth Assessment scores, click HERE.

The middle school team cares for and tends to the whole student.

Sixth Grade Curriculum

Seventh Grade Curriculum

Eighth Grade Curriculum