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Mon - Fri
9:00 AM - 3:20 PM

Mon - Fri
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Curriculum: St. Joseph Prekindergarten program offers planned thematic curriculum activities appropriate for the children’s age and development that include pre-reading, math readiness, science, social studies, art activities, music, nature, movement, and dramatic play. The themes are designed to develop kindergarten readiness skills. Examples of themes include: holidays, seasons, All About Me, Friendship, Health and Safety, Dinosaurs, Transportation, and Insects. Religious activities are incorporated into the various themes each day.

Daily Prayer Time & Mass: The children pray at meals and each day ends with a closing prayer. There is time for religious songs and stories, spontaneous prayer, and mini prayer services. Student in PreK attend Mass at the beginning of the second trimester with their 2nd grade buddies.

Family Celebrations: We plan several social gatherings each year. These are wonderful opportunities to get together as a community. They include Father’s Pumpkin Carving, Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas Social, Mother’s Day Gathering, and the end of the year picnic.

Field Trips: PreK classes go on a few field trips each year. Examples of field trips include The Farm, The Pumpkin Patch, and the Fire Station. It is exciting for our students to get out into the world with their friends. Parents transport students in carpools to these events.

Interested in PreK at St. Joseph Parish School? Below are links to help you get started!