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 St. Joseph Preschool

Our St. Joseph Parish Preschool Program is specifically designed for 3- and 4-year-olds, and is intended to nurture young learners and devoted to providing a quality early childhood education program within a warm and caring Catholic community and the community at large. The environment is rich in materials that promote the spiritual, physical, creative, social, emotional, and intellectual growth of young children. We foster a love of learning while developing early childhood readiness skills. We value the uniqueness of each child and seek to teach an awareness of being loved by God.

Below you will find detailed information about our offerings:

Program Details

Preschool Classes for 3s and 4s:

  • Schedule: Monday through Friday
  • Age Requirements: Students can turn 3 or 4 anytime during the school year.

Class Times:

  • 3-Year-Olds: 9:00 AM – 11:45 AM
    • No lunch or lunch bunch option available.
  • 4-Year-Olds: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
    • Optional daily enrichment available for an extended learning experience.
  • Transition Option: If a child enters as a 3-year-old but turns 4 during the school year, they may add lunch and/or enrichment (pending availability of spots).

Flexible Attendance Options:

  • Families can choose a minimum of 2 days and up to 5 days per week.

Selected days must remain consistent throughout the school year.

Curriculum: St. Joseph Preschool offers planned thematic curriculum activities appropriate for the children’s age and development that include pre-reading, math readiness, science, social studies, art activities, music, nature, movement, and dramatic play. The themes are designed to develop kindergarten readiness skills. Examples of themes include: holidays, seasons, All About Me, Friendship, Health and Safety, Space, Shapes and Colors, Seasons, Transportation, and Insects. Religious activities are incorporated into the various themes each day.

Daily Prayer Time: The children pray at meals and each day ends with a closing prayer. There is time for religious songs and stories, spontaneous prayer, and mini prayer services.

Family Celebrations: We plan several social gatherings each year. These are wonderful opportunities to get together as a community. They include: Halloween Celebration, Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas Social, Young 4’s Easter Egg Hunt, and the end of the year picnic.

Field Trips: The Young 4 class goes to the Fire Station yearly with their friends. It is exciting for the children to get out into the world with their friends. Parents transport students in carpools to these events.

Snacks: Parents sign up to bring the daily snack.

Key Information


We are excited to partner with you in your child’s early education journey. Thank you for considering our preschool program!

Admissions Process