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School Commission

The overall purpose of the School Commission is to advise and support the pastor and principal in the operation of the parish school. In the spirit of collaboration, the selected Commission members recognize the role and authority of the pastor and the principal as his delegate. The pastor and principal respect the authentic witness and expertise offered by the Commission members. All parties work collaboratively to build consensus.

The Commission is consultative and is not a decision-making body. Members cannot act apart from the pastor and the principal and cannot address issues or make decisions binding on the parish school without approval of the principal and pastor. The pastor and principal will not make significant decisions in functional areas listed below until and unless the School Commission has been consulted. When the Commission meets as pastor, principal, and Commission members, and agrees on a policy matter, the decision is effective and binding on all.

The areas in which the Commission has responsibility and will be consulted are:

  • Planning

  • Policy Development and Formulation

  • School Finance

  • Development

  • Grant Writing

The Commission does not have responsibility in the areas of curriculum and personnel. Questions or issues in those areas should be taken directly to the school administration.

The Commission is a diverse group that reflects the composition of the parish and the school. The selected membership will consist of seven to eleven (7-11) voting members. All attempts will be made to assemble a group that adequately reflects the school population. The recommended representation is as follows:

  • At least three (3) school parents who are members of St. Joseph Parish

  • At least one (1) school parent who is a member of Mary, Queen of Peace Parish

  • At least one (1) school parent who is a member of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

  • Two (2) St. Joseph parishioners who are not school parents.

A representative from the Parents’ Club shall attend all school commission meetings as an ex-officio member as well as the principal and pastor or his delegate.

School Commission Roster
School Commission Member  Term
April Balden - President 2023-2027
Frida Richwine - Secretary 2022-2025
Amy Morris 2022-2025
Shannon Sherrill 2023-2027
Rick Mahadeo 2021-2024
Anne Blackburn 2023-2027
Johanna Gacad-Sioson 2023-2027
Lynn Reischl 2022-2025
Michelle Macartney 2022-2025


Staff Contact Information
Staff Position Email
Father Oakland Pastor Please contact Ann Shikany: 
Shauna Richards  Principal
Kathy Brown Vice Principal
Tom Walker Pastoral Assistant for Administration (PAA)


Interested in attending a meeting?

The St. Joseph School Commission welcomes attendance from the parent and parishioner community at our meetings. The Commission’s agenda is planned far in advance and is very full. To ensure that all meetings are conducted in a fair, orderly and expeditious manner, we’d like to remind you of the procedures for participating at or attending the school commission meetings.

St. Joseph School Commission Meetings are open to visitors who are affiliated with St. Joseph Parish School, St. Joseph Parish, Mary, Queen of Peace Parish or Our Lady of Sorrows Parish.

Visitors are asked to note the following protocols:

  1. Visitors are welcome in a non-participatory role without prior communication.

  2. Visitors are asked to sit in the seats provided which are positioned separately from the working table of the Commission.

  3. Any visitor who would like to speak or comment on an agenda item needs to communicate their desire to speak before the meeting begins. Visitor comments are limited to a five-minute presentation. The forum for visitor presentations will be scheduled after regular commission agenda items are completed.

  4. Any visitor who would like to suggest an item to be added to the meeting agenda needs to do so in writing by submitting the St. Joseph School Commission Agenda Request. Submissions must be received no later than seven (7) days prior to the School Commission meeting for consideration on that agenda. The School Commission chairperson or school principal will inform the submitter of the date and time their proposal will be on the agenda. All items must relate to commission business. Submit requests via email to the school commission chairperson.

  5. At times, a closed session is called due to confidential items under discussion. Visitors are asked to respect the call for a closed session.

The St. Joseph School Commission thanks you in advance for your respect for these procedures.

Interested in joining School Commission?

Thank you for your interest in supporting St Joseph Parish School. Please download and fill out the SJS School Commission Application (Microsoft Word document) and email to Father Todd Strange and Principal Shauna Richards (see above).